Tuesday, September 18, 2012


My sixth meeting of the day found me in a professor's office as he went over the specifics of a group project.  As my professor droned, I was quickly attempting to create a mental spreadsheet and time chart to accomplish the goal at hand.  Until he interrupted my flying thoughts with a simple statement:

"The way we are going to do this will be a lot more fun, but its a lot less structured."

I couldn't wrap my mind around it at first.  Less structure means more chaos and variables, not more fun.  Fun comes only when there is organization to channel it and make sure it meets all the specifications for enjoyment.  As soon as I thought that, I knew I had lost sight of something very important in life.

There is not pattern to follow.  Life is not defined by chores being accomplished.  It can't be quantified, thus comparison to others is pointless.  The parts of life that I enjoy most aren't the things that I completely understand, but rather, the ones that I have to work to figure out.