As comforting (or scary) as that mental image might be, I think it might be oversimplifying things a bit. Life isn't just one tightrope, it is an intricate web of fine lines.

Between confidence and arrogance.
Insecurity and pride.
Self-awareness and self-obsession.
Optimism and misplaced hope.
Kindness and manipulation.
Patience and cowardice.
Self-protection and selfishness.
Trust and naivety.
Discernment and judgment.
There are so many fine lines weaving in and out of each other. In a way, they make it easier to stay balanced, when you have a web of ropes to walk on instead of just one. Yet it feels impossible to maintain a healthy balance in one area of life without crossing a line in another.
I have no resolution to this post, because I don't know how to walk on one tightrope, let along a couple dozen. You see, there is also a fine line between thinking to understand life and thinking to avoid life. I may not be able to get far without falling, but I'd rather fall than get tangled in the web.