Easter is less than a week away. Yet I am confused. Where are the Easter lights? Where is the live crucifix scene? (never mind on that one, I can already see how that might be a bad idea). But still, something is severely missing. Christmas time hub bub starts the day after Halloween with plastic Santas, plastic trees, and plastic smiles. I have yet to hear an entire radio station dedicated to Easter music. Or even a CD, for that matter. This strikes me as very odd. Don't get me wrong, Christmas is wonderful and the birth of our Savior is nothing to be taken lightly. But to me, its His death that is really worth getting excited about. We are celebrating the day where the stockpile of sins that were our fast-pass to eternal death were destroyed. The overwhelming guilt and fatal consequences of our human imperfections were wiped cleaner than the whitest white board (excuse the poor analogy). Not only that, the all-knowing, forever-existing, incredibly powerful God that formed our bodies and forms our future extended His hand in friendship. He gave us life and also a relationship with God. Obviously, all this couldn't have happened if Jesus wasn't born but this is the why behind His birth. This is what it all comes down to.
And we celebrate by eating ham and doing egg hunts? Perhaps Christmas receives so much attention because we feel like there is more in it for us. It means time off of school, an excuse to overindulge, and time with family. Not too mention the presents. I find it sad that we get more excited about what limited-warranty plastic gift might be in a shoebox wrapped in paper than the idea that we have been given access to God and to eternal life.
Sure, there are Easter traditions. Like the classic egg hunt. Exactly what does this have to do with the gruesome death and glorious Resurrection of Jesus? Oh, it's a symbol, you say? Eggs mean rebirth. Why didn't I think of that? Probably because no one is thinking about how miraculous the Resurrection of Jesus was when they are shoving someone into the dirt so they can get to a plastic egg with last year's candy in it.
This culture is incredibly good at taking things and making them "Christian". We can take our beloved traditions and Saran-Wrap them with the a plastic film of Christianity. Here's the funny thing about Saran-Wrap: it's clear. You can see right through it. The same goes for trying to make things that mean nothing mean something about God. Its not only pointless, its completely unnecessary. God shows Himself in so many ways, He really doesn't need our futile fumblings. He is in the fact that you are about to take another breath. He is seen in the breath-taking beauty of both the world He created and the people that inhabit it. His love is immense and overwhelming and Easter is an incredible time to reflect on how incredible God is.......while munching away on that 12 pound chocolate bunny, of course.
Extra side note: Some try to devalue Easter since the actual date of the holiday is not historically accurate. I would agree, I don't believe we can know the exact date of the Crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This does not make His death and Resurrection or the celebration of it any less legitimate.
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