My eager anticipation for everything and anything. I still get flutters every time I check the mail even if I am expecting absolutely nothing. You just never know.
My ability to talk to inanimate objects. Most of the clocks, shower curtains, and lamps in my house have personalities. They don't talk back anymore sadly but there is still an aura about them. For example, the clock in the downstairs bathroom is incredibly lonely while the living room one is quite shy.
My desire to talk in general. To be quite honest, my estimation of you will go up tenfold if we can hold a decent conversation that moves past weather and school. I am not completely against small talk but I prefer discussing something that actually has value. Personal preference. I will overuse the word conversationalist when describing someone I respect and enjoy.
My inability to stop. Stop thinking, stop wondering, stop working. Productivity fuels me. Complacency stifles me.
My insatiable desire for books. I may have moved from historical fiction to biographies but I still sneak down to my basement and pick up a few Goldenbind books once in a while. Nothing but the classics.
I still have my twenty-some stuffed animals hidden away in the corner of my room. We don't talk much anymore, but that's alright. Our relationship is understood. They keep guard every night while we sleep and they invoke memories-- keeping them valuable forever.