I, however, am tired of reflecting. Even so, I was browsing back through old blog drafts that never fully came to be. I came accross one that was titled "Fare Thee Well" and I was very curious as to what my internal musings on goodbyes were considering how many I've made in the last year. Turns out, the post was blank. Which is just as well. Saying goodbye and hello means there are ends and beginnings.

The hellos are rather hard to pinpoint as well. Obviously, I said a lot of them as I started college and got acquainted with the 600 freshmen + upperclassmen. Yet I can never remember the exact moment when we went from a familiar face to a friendly one to a best friend one. Some people make me feel like we have been friends forever while others continue to surprise me with hidden pieces of themselves.
I really don't have much else to say. If you want to know what my year was like, look back through some old posts. You might not get the details of what went on, but you'll see the reflection of them in the ideas, thoughts, and emotions. Life was beautiful and disastrous. I had a stereotypically cliche senior year while internally fighting against man-made concepts of success. Needlesstosay, 2011 was interesting. Probably the best thing that happened though, is that I realized this year wasn't all that special. Every year will have its excitements, dissapointments, and lessons learned. Which is one of the reasons life is worth living. You just never know what is going to happen next.
And I got my heart
Set on
What happens next
I got my eyes wide
It's not over yet
Set on
What happens next
I got my eyes wide
It's not over yet
"This is Home" by Switchfoot
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